
I got given of a couple of sprues of Victrix Ltd. dark ages vikings. These are excellent miniatures, Victrix quality of sculpting, casting and production has come on leaps and bounds, I had some French Napoleonics and some ancient greeks from them in the past, but these are superior quality in every aspect.

I painted the first 6, and a few old Gripping beast ones I had from a while ago.

Gripping Beast

The sprues offer loads of options, weapons and heads, and a good mix of armoured and non armoured minis. They are easy to put together, and fun to paint. I’ve ordered a command sprue that I am waiting to get hold of.

12 comments on “Vikings

  1. Brilliant mate – these look ace!

  2. They look great I love the shields, really got the looking like worn painted wood, very impressive.

  3. These figures have come along, I will have to take another look at them. Very nicely done.

  4. Dead sexy mate – love them and love their shields as well! 🙂

  5. Oh wow! Nice to see you branching out and these are so cool man. Really nice sculpts. I think I might have to get me some hehe

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