Painting update – Genestealers

Upon reaching the halfway point with my Heroquest 28 project I decided to take a little rest from it (that and getting some of the parts I need for the dungeontilses) whilst #socialdistancing measures are in place is a bit hard).

So I’m going to do a few posts of the painting I’ve been up to. If you follow me on instagram apologies for the duplication. First up are Genestealers.

Always one of my favorite Warhammer 40k bad guys (not that there are really any true good guys). I have bought and painted a few GSC minis over the years, but I felt my overall cult lacked any distinction, I also wanted it to fit with the inq28 vibe my WH40k mins have taken in the last coulple of years… so I decided to make a part mech cult… servants of the 4 armed machine god?

The patriarch is a mixture of both the patriarch mini, and a AdMech tech priest. With a few other bits added for fun.

The brood so far…

16 comments on “Painting update – Genestealers

  1. Love how you did their bases especially!

  2. Very nice – great use of the industrial orange! Great to see a distinctive spin on GSC

  3. Very cool! The AdMech/Genestealer cult mashup seems like a fun idea that could lead to all kinds of crazy kitbashing shenanigans. I really lke your Patriarch/Head Magos. Excellent work!

  4. Well, different they are, spot on they must be! I like them, very nice! 🙂

  5. I like what you did with these mutants. So colorful and I love the skin.

  6. Ahhhh, great stuff! My favourite sub faction is the genestealer cults/Mechanicus mashup. Love how you’ve done the skin tone on them and the conversions are great.

    Here comes another hobby rabbit hole!

  7. Very cool man. I must get back to my GSC… sigh… so much to do haha

  8. Wow. this is a fun theme for the GSC, and one that’s quite unique as well!

  9. These look great, I’m a real sucker for mixing GSC and Ad Mech parts and you’ve pulled it off in style. Like the one with a Cawdor gun strapped to his arm, very clever. Love the bases too.

  10. Wow really impressive. I have a copy of space hulk in the massive to do pile but these make me want to pull it out. Although I would not get such great results!

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